Terms and Conditions

By making a booking you are agreeing to the website terms and conditions in place at the time of booking. We may need to vary the terms and conditions but where necessary this will be advised by email.

The premises


The use of the field is entirely at your own risk and the owners and staff of ‘Harrington Dog Walking Field’ cannot be held responsible for any injury to persons or dogs using the field. There may be uneven ground, small holes caused by animals burrowing or other hazards consistent with the countryside.

Please pick up all rubbish and dog waste and put it in the bins provided.  Bags are provided in case you forget.

Do not arrive early for your booking – it can be extremely disruptive for the person using the field.

Do not allow anyone else in the field during your booking, other than anyone who came with you. If you send someone else in your place please ensure they are aware of the terms and conditions.

Do not let your dogs out of the car until you are in the field with the gate shut to ensure the safety of your dog(s), yourself and other road users.

Park only on the hard standing area of the field.

Do not overrun your booking time. If the previous user is still in the field at the start of your allocated time, please contact us. It is your responsibility to book a slot which allows enough time to unload and reload your dog into your car and leave the field.

If you are late you still need to leave the field by the agreed time.

In winter, the field may be muddy so we suggest suitable clothing and footwear.

Children must be supervised at all times – please ensure they do not break any of the terms and conditions.

Leave the field secure upon leaving – padlocked and the digits returned to 0000.

No smoking in the field.

Please ensure you take all dog toys home and put broken items in the rubbish bin.

Please do not allow your dogs to dig holes; if they do please fill the hole back in to prevent injury to others.

Please bring any damages, however caused, to our attention.

Harrington Dog Field cannot be held responsible for any damage or accident caused by the user’s dog(s). The user of the field has full responsibility for their own dog(s).

Dog Health


All dogs must be wormed with their vaccinations up to date.

Do not bring any dog(s) that are showing signs of illness to the field.



There is a hardstanding area within the field suitable for two cars. Please only park within the field and not in the main farm gateway.

Only unload your dogs once you are in the field and the gate is locked behind you.

Vehicles and contents are left entirely at the owners risk.

Harrington Dog Field Entrance

Data protection


Your personal information will not be sold or shared in any way. We will hold your contact details for the use of Harrington Dog walking field site only.

For further details see our Privacy Policy



All bookings must be paid for in advance.

We reserve the right to alter your booking if absolutely necessary. We will endeavour not to do this other than in exceptional circumstances and will offer a refund or change of booking slot should this happen.

All bookings are non refundable and not transferable.

By making a booking you are agreeing to the website terms and conditions in place at the time of booking. We may need to vary the terms and conditions but where necessary this will be advised by email.


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